【编者按】清华大学应急管理研究基地副主任吕孝礼副教授与基地兼职研究人员、山东大学韩自强教授在Journal of Risk Research期刊上发表了题为Emergency management in China: towards a comprehensive model?的文章。该文探讨了综合应急管理(CEM)三种主要原则(全灾钟、全周期和全参与)在中国的适用性。该文 认为(1)建立全害种的应急管理部的原因与其他国家存在差异; (2)全阶段管理不应仅重视灾后重建,还应更多考虑减灾工作; (3)单纯对的个体的究责阻碍了事后学习工作的开展。最后,我们在比较不同政治和行政体系背景的基础上对CEM概念的外延展开了探讨。
Xiaoli Lu & Ziqiang Han,Emergency Management in China: Towards a Comprehensive Model?[J].Journal of Risk Research
The institutional structures and processes of emergency management have been infused with ideas of Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM) and the so-called all-hazard approach in various countries since the mid-1980s. China’s new emergency management system has moved to the direction of a more CEM-like system, though some experts advocate an even more comprehensive system. This article examines the applicability of three popular CEM principles in the Chinese context: all-hazard, all-phase and all-stakeholder involvement. We argue that (1) an all-hazard coordinating ministry was established for a different reason; (2) integrating all-phase management (especially mitigation phase) should not only be applied in post-catastrophes reconstructions, but also in prior disaster mitigation phases; (3) too much stake has been imposed on individual leaders in vertical governmental relations which hinders opportunities on trial and error learning after an emergency. Finally, we try to contribute to the extensions of the CEM concept after comparing applications in different political and administrative contexts.
This research is supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71774098, 71790611), Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program (20151080360), and Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (17YJC630101).
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