Sun Lei, Ph.D, Assistant Professor
Major: Disaster Management, Emergency Management, Public Disaster Awareness and Response Behavior, Disaster culture/subculture
Affiliation/Organization:School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University
Email: sunlei_@fudan.edu.cn
1. Lei Sun, Lan Xue. 2020. Does non-destructive earthquake experience affect risk perception and motivate preparedness? Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. 28:122–130. https ://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5973.12286
2. Lei Sun, Guiwu Su, Qing Tian, Wenhua Qi, Fenggui Liu, Min Qi, Ruoyu Li. 2019. Religious belief and Tibetans' response to earthquake disaster: a case study of the 2010 Ms 7.1 Yushu earthquake, Qinghai Province, China. Natural Hazards, 99:141-159. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-019-03733-x
3. Lei Sun, Faas, A.J. 2018. Social Production of Disasters and Disaster Social Constructs: An Exercise in Disambiguation and Reconciliation. Disaster Prevention and Management. 27(5):623-635. https://doi.org/10.1108/DPM-05-2018-0135.
4. Lei Sun, Yan Deng, Wenhua Qi. 2018. Two impact pathways from religious belief to public disaster response: Findings from a literature review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 27:588-595. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.10.004
5. 孙磊, 齐文华,邓砚, 魏本勇. 2018. 国外灾害行为研究:缘起、议题和发现. 华北地震科学. 36(3): 27-34.
6. 孙磊, 苏桂武. 2016. 自然灾害中的文化维度研究综述. 地球科学进展, 31(9):907-918.
7. Xiaoli Lu, Lei Sun, Shuaize Fu, Yue Sun and Kaiyu Shao, Understanding China’s National Emergency Management System, in Risk Management in East Asia: Systems and Frontier Issues, Y. Jing, J.-S. Han, and K. Ogawa, Editors. 2021, Springer Singapore: Singapore. p. 15-35.
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