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发布时间: 2015-07-13 15:44:42   作者:本站编辑   来源: 本站原创   浏览次数:   我要评论()



  间:2015716号(周四)  下午1500-1700



主讲人:亚历山大·约瓦诺维奇(Aleksandar Jovanovic),德国斯图加特大学教授




主讲人简介: 亚历山大·约瓦诺维奇教授,生于1953年,1977年毕业于机械工程专业,他曾经在工业界(美国)、欧共体(意大利)、大学(斯图加特大学)工作过。他曾作为二级国家专家在布鲁塞尔为欧盟工作,他也是工业技术和材料研究的总体指导。2001年以来,他主要担任斯图加特高级风险技术传输中心主任,主要为公共部门和工业界的风险评估和管理提供咨询。2006年以来,他担任欧洲总体风险管理虚拟研究所(EU-VRi)的总裁,以及斯图加特大学风险治理与可持续技术开发跨学科研究室主任(ZIRN),并教授企业社会责任和风险研究课程。他曾经先后担任法国巴黎综合理工学校讲师、研究主任,日本东京大学客座讲师、美国拉亚大学、芬兰国家技术研究中心访问学者等。让诺维克教授在创新管理、新技术、新风险管理、结构工程管理、高级数据分析与数据挖掘等方面有着长期的跨国和多国工程项目的专业经验。





SeminarMonitoring and Managing Emerging Risks - A Case Study for Chinese Underground Construction Industry


DateThis Thursday, 16th July, 2015

Time15:00-17:00 PM

VenueRoom 423, School of Public Management, Tsinghua University


Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Jovanovic, University of Stuttgart, Germany

ChairGe TianrenPost-doctor, School of Public Management, Tsinghua University

CommentProf. Peng Zongchao, Vice Dean, School of Public Management, Tsinghua University; Director, Center for Crisis Management Research, Tsinghua University


Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Jovanovic, (1953; graduated in mechanical engineering in 1977): He has worked in industry (e.g. in USA), for The European Community (e.g. in Italy) and for the universities (e.g. the University of Stuttgart, Germany). He also acted as Seconded National Expert (Germany) with the EU in Brussels, Belgium, Directorate-General Research – Industrial Technologies and Materials. Since 2001 he is the director of the Steinbeis Transfer Center Advanced Risk Technologies in Stuttgart, Germany providing consultancy in the areas of risk assessment and management for industry and public sector. As from 2006 is also the CEO of European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management (EU-VRi) and the EU Project Director at ZIRN (Interdisciplinary Research Unit on Risk Governance and Sustainable Technology Development, University of Stuttgart), teaching the courses in the area of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and Risk. His previous teaching assignments were in France (École Polytechnique, lecturer, director of research), Japan (University of Tokyo, guest lecturer), USA (La Jolla), VTT Finland (visiting professor) and other countries. A. Jovanovic has a long-year professional experience as project manager of many (50+) large international/multinational projects in the area innovation management, new technologies, emerging risk management, structured project management, advanced data analysis and data mining, and related areas.


AbstractThe paper provides a case study assessing and analyzing Chinese underground construction risks by means of using of the Emerging Risk Radar initially developed in the EU Project iNTeg-Risk (Early Recognition, Monitoring and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology Related Risks) . In China the interest to further improve the process of identifying, analyzing, monitoring and managing risks related to technological, socio-political, environmental and ecological areas is steadily increasing. With this goal in mind, a case study was generated by means of using Risk Ears and Risk Radar processes from iNTeg-Risk methodology in order to analyze perception and possible impacts of these risks. This study is expected to create a potential benefit for all the stakeholders involved, especially for improving the possibilities for cooperation between the EU and China (e.g.in terms of possible EU investments in China).


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