The 83rd Seminar of CCMR:Game Theory and DisasterManagement
Date:Friday, November 2, 2018
Venue:Room 302, School of Public Policy & Management, Tsinghua University
Speaker: ZhuangJun, Associate Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,University atBuffalo
Moderator: Peng Zongchao, Professor,School of Public Policy & Management, Tsinghua University; Director, Centerfor Crisis Management Research, Tsinghua University
Discussant: Li Nan, AssociateProfessor, Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University
Lu Xiaoli, Associate Professor, School of PublicPolicy & Management; Tsinghua University; Associate Director, Center for Crisis Management Research, Tsinghua University
Language: English
Society is faced with a growing amount of propertydamage and casualties from man-made and natural disasters. Developing societalresilience to those disasters is critical but challenging. In particular,societal resilience is jointly determined by federal and local governments,private and non-profit sectors, and private citizens. We will present asequence of games among players such as federal, local, and foreigngovernments, private citizens, and adaptive adversaries. In particular, thegovernments and private citizens seek to protect lives, property, and criticalinfrastructure from both adaptive terrorists and non-adaptive naturaldisasters. The federal government can provide grants to local governments andforeign aid to foreign governments to protect against both natural and man-madedisasters; and all levels of government can provide pre-disaster preparationand post-disaster relief to private citizens. Private citizens can also, ofcourse, make their own investments. The tradeoffs between protecting againstman-made and natural disasters, specifically between preparedness and relief,efficiency and equity, and between private and public investment, will bediscussed. Recent research on big data analytics and decision modeling onsocial media rumor spreading and management will also be discussed.
Dr. Jun Zhuang is an Associate Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at theUniversity at Buffalo (UB). Dr. Zhuang has a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering in2008 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Zhuang's long-term researchgoal is to integrate operations research, big data analytics, game theory, anddecision analysis to improve mitigation, preparedness, response, and recoveryfor natural and man-made disasters. Other areas of interest includeapplications to health care, sports, transportation, supply chain management,sustainability, and architecture. Dr. Zhuang's research has been supported bythe U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), by the U.S. Department of HomelandSecurity (DHS) through the National Center for Risk and Economic Analysis ofTerrorism Events (CREATE) and the National Consortium for the Study ofTerrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), by the U.S. Department of Energy(DOE) through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Argonne NationalLaboratory (ANL), by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)through the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), and by the National FireProtection Association (NFPA). Dr. Zhuang is a recipient of 2017 Koopman Prizefrom the INFORMS’ Military Applications Society for the outstanding publicationin military operations research in 2016. Dr. Zhuang is a recipient of 2014 MORJournal Award for the best paper published in 2013 in the journal MilitaryOperations Research. Dr. Zhuang is a recipient of the UB's ExceptionalScholar--Young Investigator Award for 2013. Dr. Zhuang is also a fellow of the2011 U.S. Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (AF SFFP), sponsored bythe AFOSR, and a fellow of the 2009-2010 Next Generation of Hazards andDisasters Researchers Program, sponsored by the NSF. Dr. Zhuang has published80+ peer-reviewed journal articles in Operations Research, IISE Transactions,Risk Analysis, Decision Analysis, and European Journal of Operational Research,among others. His research and educational activities have been highlighted inNSF Discovery, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal,Industrial Engineer, Stanford GSB News, The Council on Undergraduate ResearchQuarterly, and The Pre-Engineering Times, among others. He is on the Editorialboards of both Risk Analysis and Decision Analysis, was the co-Editor ofDecision Analysis Today, and has reviewed proposals forNSF/ASEE/DOD/NASA/European Research Council/Foundation for Polish Science/DutchNational Science Foundation, book chapters for Springer, and has reviewedarticles for 100+ academic journals and conferences for 300+ times.
If you’re interested in this Salon, please RSVP here before12:00 am on November 1. (Please scan the QR codeto register).
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