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环境规制与治理(Environmental Regulation and Governance)
1. S. Fan#, L. Xue and J. Xu* (2018). What drives the policy attention to climate change in China: an empirical analysis through the lens of People’s Daily. Sustainability, 10(9), 2977.
2. L. Chen#, J. Xu, Y. Zhou (2017). Regulating the environmental behavior of manufacturing SMEs: interfirm alliance as a facilitator. Journal of Cleaner Production, 165C: 393-404.
3. C.S.F. Chi, I. Ruuska, J. Xu* (2016). Environmental impact assessment of infrastructure projects: a governance perspective. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 59(3), 393-413.
4. J. Xu, L. Xue (2016). On resilience-based risk governance. In Resilience In And For Risk Governance (RIARG): An IRGC Annotated Resource Guide. International Risk Governance Council. (Invited paper) https://www.irgc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Xu-Xue-On-Resilience-based-Risk-Governance.pdf
5. M. Florin, J. Xu (2014). Risk governance: an overview of drivers and success factors. In the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. (Invited paper) http://www.preventionweb.net/englsh/hyogo/gar/2015/en/home/documents.html
6. D. Huang#, J. Xu, S. Zhang (2012). Valuing the health risks of particulate air pollution in the Pearl River Delta, China, Environmental Science & Policy, 15(1), 38-47.
7. X. Xie, S. Zhang, J. Xu, D. Wu, T. Zhu (2012). Cost-effective control of ground-level ozone pollution in and around Beijing. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 10(2): 101-109.
环境态度与行为(Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors)
8. H. Tan, J. Xu, G. Wong-Parodi (2019). The politics of Asian fracking: public risk perceptions towards shale gas development in China. Energy Research & Social Science. 54: 46-55.
9. B. Sergi, I. Azevedo, T. Xia#, A. Davis, and J. Xu* (2019). Support for emissions reductions based on immediate and long-term pollution exposure in China. Ecological Economics, 158:26-33.
10. C. Qin#, J. Xu*, G. Wong-Parodi, L. Xue (2018). Change in public concern and behavioral intention toward air pollution Under the Dome. Risk Analysis, DOI: 10.1111/risa.13177
11. J. Xu*, C.S.F. Chi, K. Zhu# (2017). Concern or apathy: the attitude of the public toward urban air pollution. Journal of Risk Research, 20:4, 482-498
12. J. Xu and Z. Peng (2015). People at risk of influenza pandemics: the evolution of perception and behavior. PLoS ONE, 10(12): e0144868.
13. J. Xu*, Y. Zhang, B. Liu, L. Xue (2014). Risk perception in natural disaster management. 2014 International Conference UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development: What Is Essential? 4-6 June 2014, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
14. C.S.F. Chi, J. Xu, L. Xue (2014). Public participation in environmental impact assessment for public projects: a case of nonparticipation. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 57(9), 1422–1440.
15. J. Xu*, H. K. Florig, M. DeKay (2011). Evaluating an analytic-deliberative risk-ranking process in a Chinese context, Journal of Risk Research, 14(7), 899-918.

环境决策分析(Environmental Decision Making)
16. J. Xu, X. Wang, S. Zhang (2013). Risk-based air pollutants management at regional levels, Environmental Science & Policy, 25, 167-175.
17. S. Blumsack and J. Xu (2011). Spatial variation of emissions impacts due to renewable energy siting decisions in the Western U.S. under high-renewable penetration scenarios, Energy Policy, 39(11), 6962-6971.
18. J. Xu, P. Fischbeck, M. Small, J. VanBriesen, and E. Casman (2010). Closure to “Identifying sets of key nodes for placing sensors in dynamic water distribution networks”. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 136(2), 295-296.
19. J. Xu*, M. Small, P. Fischbeck, J. VanBriesen (2010). Integrating location models with Bayesian Analysis to inform decision making. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 136(2), 209-216.
20. J. Xu*, M. Johnson, P. Fischbeck, M. Small, J. VanBriesen (2010). Robust placement of sensors in dynamic water distribution systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 202, 707-716.
21. P. C. Wong, L. R. Leung, N. Lu, M. J. Scott, P. Mackey, H. Foote, J. Correia Jr., Z. T. Taylor, J. Xu, S. D. Unwin, A. Sanfilippo (2009). Designing a collaborative visual analytics tool for social and technological change prediction. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 29(5), 58-68.
22. J. Xu*, J. VanBriesen, M. Small, and P. Fischbeck (2009). Decision making under information constraints. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009, v342, 414-422.
23. J. Xu*, and D. Chassin (2009). An agent-based simulation of the Smartgrid. SIMS50- Simulation and Modeling of Energy Technology, Fredericia, Denmark
24. J. Xu*, P. Fischbeck, M. Small, J. VanBriesen, and E. Casman (2008). Identifying sets of key nodes in dynamic water distribution networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 134(4), 378-385.
25. A. Ostfeld, et al. (2008). The Battle of the Water Sensor Networks (BWSN): A design challenge for engineers and algorithms. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 134 (6), 556-568. (Joint publication by all participants of the BWSN challenge)
26. A. Krause, J. Leskovec, S. Isovitsch, J. Xu, C. Guestrin, J. VanBriesen, M. Small, P. Fischbeck (2006). Optimizing sensor placement in water distribution systems using submodular function maximization. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium, 247, 109

27. L. Li#, J. Xu*, J. Hu, J. Han (2014). Reducing nitrous oxide emissions to mitigate climate change and protect the ozone layer. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(9), 5290–5297.
28. Q. Wang, L. Zhao, X. Fang, J. Xu, Y. Li, Y. Shi, J. Hu (2013). Gridded usage inventories of chlordane in China, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 7(1): 10–18 (仅在写作上有贡献)
29. X. Fang, J. Wu, J. Xu, D. Huang, Y. Shi, D. Wan, H. Wu, M. Shao, J. Hu (2012). Ambient mixing ratios of chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons in 46 Chinese cities. Atmospheric Environment, 54: 387-392 (仅在写作上有贡献)
30. D. Wu, S. Zhang, J. Xu, T. Zhu (2011). The CO2 reduction effects and climate benefit of Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics Green Practice. Energy Procedia, 5(1): 280-296.
31. Wan, D. #, Xu, J., Zhang, J., Tong, X., Hu, J. (2009). Historical and projected emissions of major halocarbons in China. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 5822-5829.

32. 汪若宇#,徐建华*(2018). 环境治理中的协商式公众参与——基于文献案例的研究. 公共管理评论, 28: 47-60.
33. 赵岩#,徐建华*(2018). 我国石油化工行业事故风险分析. 北京大学学报,54(4):857-864.
34. 夏田#,徐建华*(2018). 公众对城市大气污染的健康防护行为研究. 北京大学学报,54(4):801-806.
35. 徐建华,薛澜,寿明佳#(2016). 环境社会治理中的公众风险认知:半个世纪研究的回顾与未来展望. 公共管理评论,22:85-103.
36. 吴彤#,徐建华*(2016). 基于内容分析法的气候变化报道国际比较. 北京大学学报,52(2):327-335.
37. 朱可珺#,徐建华*(2014). 城市大气污染的风险认知研究评述与展望. 北京大学学报, 50(5):969-978.
38. 方波#,徐建华*(2013). 风险政策制定体系中的风险权衡分析研究. 公共管理评论,9-25.
39. 李春梅,胡建信,徐建华,林伟立,赵丽娟(2005). 消耗臭氧层物质对平流层臭氧的影响预测. 中国环境科学,25(2):142-145.
40. 林伟立,徐建华(2004). 臭氧层损耗影响低层大气质量的新认识. 环境科学与技术,27(5):102-104.
41. 徐建华,胡建信,张剑波(2003). 中国ODS的排放及其对温室效应的贡献. 中国环境科学,23(4):363-366.

42. 徐建华(2018). 环境治理中的次生风险问题研究. 中国国情国力,3:12-14.
43. 王顺兵,徐建华,王磊(2015). 提高我国区域大气污染联防联控科技支撑能力的建议. 全球科技经济信息瞭望,30(1):60-66.
44. 徐建华(2010). 环境风险 — 高悬于中国经济之上的达摩克利斯之剑. 中国与世界观察,总第20期,2010年第3/4合期.

45. 李文军,徐建华,芦玉(2018).《自然保护领域管理体制改革方向和路径研究》(中国国家公园体制建设研究丛书).中国环境出版集团.(A vision for Reform: Roadmap and Trends for China’s Conservation of Natural Resources).(专著)
46. 徐建华,薛澜 (2018).《环境与健康领域的风险权衡》(全国高校主题出版社出版).清华大学出版社.(原著:Graham J D, Wiener J B. (1995). Risk vs. Risk: Tradeoffs in Protecting Health and the Environment. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press)(译著)
47. 李焕宏#,徐建华*(2017).大气污染治理中的风险转移问题.《环境管理蓝皮书-中国环境管理发展报告(2017)》(李金惠 主编),社会科学文献出版社.(章节)
48. 周源,徐建华,许冠楠,张晓东#(2017).第四章:绿色产业政策执行的困局与思考. 《巴黎协定后中国绿色发展的若干问题思考》(钱小军、周剑、吴金希主编).清华大学出版社.(章节)

49. 徐建华(2018).禁止进口固体废物社会影响评估研究报告.生态环境部环境与经济政策研究中心.(中文)
50. 李文军,徐建华 (2017). 自然保护管理体制改革方向和路径研究. 国家发展改革委社会司、河仁慈善基金会和保尔森基金会.(中文)
51. 国家绿色转型治理能力研究课题工作组,由薛澜和彼得·汉尼克领导 (2015).国家绿色转型治理能力研究. 中国环境与发展国际合作委员会.(支持专家)(中英文双语)
52. 徐建华,孔涛 (2015). 中国环境政策制定与执行研究:以大气污染防治政策为例. 清华大学产业发展与环境治理研究中心.(中文)
53. J. Xu (2014). The cost of economic development: valuating the health risks of haze pollution in the Pearl River Delta. The Forum on Health, Environment and Development (FORHEAD)(FORHEAD is supported by Social Science Research Council) (英文)
54. J. Xu and X. Wang (2011). Risk-based cost-effective control of SO2 pollutions at regional levels. Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (An IDRC-supported program) (英文)
55. 张世秋,徐建华等(2011).京津冀区域大气污染联合防控策略和措施研究. 北京市科委(中文)


1. 禁止进口固体废物社会影响评估研究,环境保护部, 2018/01-2018/12
2. 我国大气污染风险管理中的风险沟通研究. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,19万元,2014/01-2016/12
3. 大气污染防治政策制定过程和政策执行研究. 清华大学产业发展与环境治理研究中心,2014/05-2015/09
4. 城市大气污染认知和行为研究. 北京高等学校“青年英才计划”项目,2013/01-2015/12
5. 基于风险的区域二氧化硫污染控制管理.东南亚经济与环境项目,2010/08-2011/08

6. Probabilistic Risk Assessment to Enhance Risk-Based Decision Making for Food Safety Regulation in China – A Case Study of Inorganic Arsenic in Rice, Indiana University. 2017/01-2020/01.
7. 国家发改委. 自然保护管理体制改革方向和路径研究,2017.01-2017.06
8. 科技部专项. 所属专项:大气污染成因与控制技术研究. 项目名称:空气质量统计诊断模型. 课题名称(第五课题):大气污染及其防治政策对国民经济和公众健康影响的评估模型,2016-2020
9. 环境保护部. 更新《国家实施方案》编制以及社会、经济和环境影响研究. 2014-2015
10. 科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划). 黑碳气溶胶排放源清单及政策研究,2010/03-2011/12
11. 环保部公益项目. 我国大气环境基准技术框架与典型案例预研究,2010/06-2012/06
12. 北京市科学技术委员会公益项目.区域大气污染联合防控策略和措施研究,2009/06-2012/06

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