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发布时间: 2024-05-23 16:52:12   作者:本站编辑   来源: 本站原创   浏览次数:   我要评论()



5月20日, 基地首席专家薛澜作为共同作者的论文"Managing extreme AI risks amid rapid progress" Science杂志发表。


基地首席专家薛澜与三位图灵奖得主Yoshua Bengio、Geoffrey Hinton、姚期智,以及经济学诺奖得主Daniel Kahneman 、清华大学张亚勤教授等共同撰写的论文 "Managing extreme AI risks amid rapid progress" 在Science杂志发表。



Artificial intelligence (AI) is progressing rapidly, and companies are shifting their focus to developing generalist AI systems that can autonomously act and pursue goals. Increases in capabilities and autonomy may soon massively amplify AI’s impact, with risks that include large-scale social harms, malicious uses, and an irreversible loss of human control over autonomous AI systems. Although researchers have warned of extreme risks from AI (1), there is a lack of consensus about how to manage them. Society’s response, despite promising first steps, is incommensurate with the possibility of rapid, transformative progress that is expected by many experts. AI safety research is lagging. Present governance initiatives lack the mechanisms and institutions to prevent misuse and recklessness and barely address autonomous systems. Drawing on lessons learned from other safety-critical technologies, we outline a comprehensive plan that combines technical research and development (R&D) with proactive, adaptive governance mechanisms for a more commensurate preparation. 

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